Photo Gallery Photo Submission Form

Technical Audio Devices Laboratories, Inc.

Posting Guidance and Privacy Policy

■Requests for Posting

When posting photos, please provide your name, country, email address, and product model number. Please read the "Posting Guidelines" and "Privacy Policy" below for instructions on how to post photos to the photo gallery and ensure you understand the contents before posting your photos.

■Posting Guidelines

  • 1, Rights Regarding Photo Use

    Photos submitted to us will be provided free of charge, with no licensing fees required. We will use the photos on our website or on our company‘s or our group’s social media without geographical limitation for an unlimited period of time until the contributor requests to remove or withdraw the photo. Additionally, to protect the rights of the contributor and our company, we will limit the use of the photos we receive to the aforementioned uses by our company and our group, except for the contributor's personal use. This is also to prevent unauthorized reproduction on various websites and unauthorized use in illegal paid or free image materials, stock photo sites, and AI-generated images.

    However, please be aware that there is a risk of unauthorized use of photos by third parties through storage, screenshots, web crawling, or scraping by search services or AI software, especially when posted on websites, including ours.
    Please note that we will respond to requests from contributors to delete or withdraw photos. However, please understand that all authority to deal with inappropriate users or other third parties, including suspension of use and disputes, is delegated to our company or our group. Please note that all photos posted will be published at our discretion after processing for personal reflection, light/dark differences, size, etc.

  • 2, Non-Disclosure of Names

    Contributor names will not be disclosed to avoid identifying individuals, although photos with the country name will be posted. Please understand this.

  • 3, Privacy

    Posted photos will be made public on the internet, allowing access by the general public and other users. To protect the contributor's privacy, please ensure that there are no reflections of the contributor or any other private or confidential information in the photos before posting them. If there are any identifiable individuals in the photos, we will take measures to process the photos at our company. If you have any requests, such as replacing photos in the gallery, please contact us at the following URL.

  • 4, Restriction on Inappropriate Content

    Please ensure that posted photos do not contain inappropriate content such as copyrights or characters of specific corporations, registered trademarks or designs, DMCA, ACTA, competition laws, etc., as well as specific advertising affiliate ads, link referral codes, or unauthorized commercial advertising. If such content is included, we may modify the relevant parts of the photo before publishing them. Furthermore, if we determine that the posted photos cannot be published due to inappropriate content, such as content already posted by another person on external sites or stock photos, or if model releases or property releases cannot be confirmed, we may take measures such as not publishing the photos or suspending their publication. Please understand this.

  • 5, Confidentiality Obligation

    The original copies of the photos submitted to us will be carefully managed with appropriate security measures by our company. Additionally, for publication, we will protect your privacy by ensuring that photos do not contain identifiable information about individuals, as much as possible, as stated in the above privacy policy. If you have any questions about the photos, please contact us at the following URL.

    Inquiry Contact

    Technical Audio Devices Laboratories inc.

Use of Personal Information

This photo gallery initiative is conducted by Technical Audio Devices Laboratories Inc. We collect and manage personal information provided by contributors to ensure appropriate photo management and protection of their rights, as well as to respond to inquiries and provide updates. Furthermore, our company is a subsidiary of the Pioneer Group. Residents of Europe, the United States, and other regions have the option to address concerns regarding personal information management to the relevant group company in their area. For details, please refer to the privacy policies listed below. If you wish to withdraw or delete photos, please contact the above-mentioned URL. For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the group company.

By submitting the form below, you are acknowledging your agreement to the aforementioned guidelines and privacy policy.

Contribution Form

  1. Fill out form
  2. Confirm
  3. Complete
Name [Required]
  • First Name:

    Example: Taro

  • Last Name:

    Example: Bunkyo

Email Address[Required]

Example: XXXXXXXX@info.pioneer.jp

Re-enter Email Address[Required]

Please re-enter Email address to confirm.

Product model number[Required]


※jpg or png files only / Less than total 10MB & up to 5 photos


Not selected (MB)


Not selected (MB)


Not selected (MB)


Not selected (MB)


Not selected (MB)
Current total file size:
Message [If Any]

Message within 500 characters.

0 0 characters

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All Rights Reserved.